1. Generally, patients will only have to take five to seven days off for a breast augmentation and about the same for a reduction. You won’t be feeling 100 percent after that week, but you’ll be in good-enough shape to head back to the office. However, if the implant is placed behind the muscle instead of on top (many women choose to do this for a more realistic look and less chance of a scar shell forming around the implant), recovery will be a little harder and you might be sore longer.

2. Breasts with implants feel different to the touch than real breasts. Although silicone breasts feel similar to real breasts, they are still manmade and don’t feel like natural breast tissue. You’ll be more likely to notice there’s an implant in a woman who began with little breast tissue than a woman who had more breast tissue to begin with. Smaller implants and those that are placed below the muscle are harder to detect.

3. You can try on different boob sizes before deciding on one. Using “sizers,” a bead-filled neoprene sack, you can stuff your bra to give you an idea of the size you might like.

4. You can’t go from small to huge all at once. If you’re starting with a small A cup, don’t expect to go up to a DD cup in one procedure. It’s important to set realistic goals. Your body and skin need time to adjust to drastic changes, so a surgeon will likely suggest going up only a couple cup sizes at first, then increasing the implant size over the course of a few years.

5. Breast augmentations and reductions could possibly affect your ability to breastfeed in the future. Women who have implants oftentimes choose not to breastfeed so the data sets on these women are unclear. However, if you have an areola incision, there’s a small risk you could damage minor ducts and could disconnect the areola complex with the main portion of the gland, hindering your ability to breastfeed. Women who have underarm incisions or incisions in the crease of the breast should not have a problem.

6. You might lose feeling in your nipples after a breast augmentation or reduction. Loss of sensation in the nipples can occur whenever there is surgery to the breasts. This depends on a number of factors, including breast shape and surgery type. Even if you lose sensation in your nipples, they will still respond to cold and stimulation (aka they will still be able to get hard even if you can’t feel it).

7. You’re not a great candidate for a breast augmentation if you have a very strong family history of breast cancer, are obese, or smoke. All these factors increase risks and complications during and after surgery. If you have any significant medical issues, you need to be evaluated and cleared before surgery.

8. You have a choice of two different implants: silicone and saline. Eighty-four percent of implants used in 2016 were silicone and the rest were saline. Both implants have upsides and downsides. Silicone implants look and feel more realistic, but it’s harder to detect if there are ruptures in the implant due to its gel-like consistency. Saline implants, on the other hand, will show ripples in certain areas of your breasts, but since they have a water-like filling, they will sooner alert you if there is a leak by visibly decreasing in size over time.

9. You can’t walk in to a consultation and say you want X implant type through X incision location. You and your surgeon will together decide which incision choice is best for you: underarm incision, incision in the crease of the breast (inframammary fold), or through removal of the areola. Your doctor will take into consideration your beginning breast size and shape, breast tissue, and a number of other factors before recommending which options are best for you and your body.

10. Exercise, especially cardio that involves bouncing, is restricted after surgery. Although you can start doing light cardio again after a week, most women will need to limit their exercise for up to 12 weeks.

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